
Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter.

   1       2            3   
4      5                 
             6   7       
12             13          
14    15                  16   
19           20            


1. Mutations occur at _________ . (6)
4. A type of point mutation in which a base is replaced by a different one. (11)
6. Type of mutation where, even after a base has been substituted, the amino acid produced is still the same. (6)
8. A change in one of the base pairs in the DNA sequence of a single gene. (5,8)
9. An altered gene which results in the death of the mutant. (6)
10. Type of chromosome mutation where extra sets of genes are repeated. (11)
12. Mutations caused by mutagenic agents deliberately are described as _______ . (7)
15. X-rays, gamma rays, colchinine are all ____________ _________ . (9,6)
17. Point mutation with an extra nucleotide. (9)
18. Describing many sets of chromosomes. (10)
19. Type of mutation caused by a codon used to code for an amino acid being changed into a stop codon. (8)
20. Having 4 sets of chromosomes. (10)


2. Used to describe an organism in which a mutation has occurred. (6)
3. Type of mutation in which one amino acid is replaced by a similar one, and there is little or no effect. (7)
5. Type of chromosome mutation in which a piece of one chromosome breaks off and becomes attached to another. (13)
7. Type of mutation which brings about the reversal of a normal gene sequence. (9)
11. Type of mutation where the altered codon still makes sense but not the original sense. (8)
13. Type of mutation where the inserted or deleted gene alters the RNA from that point forward. (10)
14. Type of mutation in which one nucleotide is removed or lost. (8)
15. A change in the genome of an organism. (8)
16. 3 sets of chromosomes. (8)